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Redman House is a recipient of funding under the NSW Department of Education to assist us in providing the “Start Strong” pre-school program for Long Day Care 2023.

We provide a place for preschool children to grow and learn through the freedom of play within a safe and caring environment.

We provide spaces where children can make real choices and be in control of their learning.  This allows children to learn through trial and error with the belief that mistakes are ok and a necessary part of learning and understanding the world around them.

We provide permanent educators, who know your child and can plan meaningful activities and build relationships with your child. This reduces anxiety and provides a relaxed environment for children, families and educators.

We provide a practice of on-going learning for our Educators, keeping up with changes in our profession is essential.

We make sure our area is always safe and clean during our daily routine.  All staff and children are encouraged to understand how important it is to maintain a healthy environment.

We provide affordable and flexible weekly fees for permanently enrolled children.

We ask you to choose from two programs. With a minimum of two days per week.

Monday – Friday

(a) 8.00am – 4.00pm
(b) 8.00am – 5.30pm